European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography (ECTQG 2019), Luxembourg, 5.09-9.09.2019
- Oral presentation: T.F. Stepinski, A.Dmowska, Scaling in urban patterns of ethnoracial segregation
Annual Meeting of Population Association of America, Austin, TX, US, 10.04-13.04.2019
- Poster: A.Dmowska, T.F. Stepinski, Mapping Racial Diversity Using Grid-Based Racial Dot Maps and Racial Diversity Maps. [poster-part1] [poster-part2] [paper]
Why R? 2018 Conference, Wrocław, 2.07.-5.07.2018
- Oral presentation: A.Dmowska, R as a tool for visualization of large demographic datasets [abstract] [presentation]
European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography (ECTQG 2017), York, UK, 7.09-11.09.2017
- Oral presentation: A.Dmowska, T.F. Stepinski, Evolution of Racial Diversity in Newly Built American Housing Subdivisions [presentation] [abstract] [Conference book of abstracts]
GeoComputation 2017, Leeds, UK, 4.09-7.09.2017
- Oral presentation: A.Dmowska, T.F. Stepinski, Spatial Approach to Identifying Trends in Racial Composition Changes for Large American Cities, 1990-2000-2010 [presentation] [paper]
Annual Meeting of Population Association of America, Chicago, IL, US, 26.04-29.04.2017
- Oral presentation: A.Dmowska, T.Stepinski, Mapping Changes of Racial Composition in the United States: 1990–2010. [presentation] [paper]
European R users meeting (eRum), Poznań, Poland, 12.10-14.10.2016.
- Poster: A. Dmowska,R as a tool for geospatial modeling in large dataset - dasymetric modeling example on the continental scale (United States). [poster]
GIScience 2016, Montreal, Canada,27.09- 30.09.2016
- Oral presentation: A. Dmowska, T. F. Stepinski, P. Netzel, High resolution multi-year compatible dasymetric models of U.S population. [presentation] [paper]
GeoComputation 2015, Dallas, Texas, US, 20.05-23.05.2015
- Oral presentation: A. Dmowska, T.F. Stepinski, High resolution population grids for the entire United States. [presentation] [paper]
Annual Meeting of Population Association of America, San Diego, California, 30.04 - 2.05.2015
- Poster: A. Dmowska, T.F. Stepinski, P. Netzel, Web application for spatial exploration of racial diversity over the entire United States at 90 m resolution. [poster] [paper]
Penn State Stratification Conference: Residential Inequality in American Neighborhoods and Communities, 12-13.09.2014, The Pennsylvania State University, State College.
The Second Conference at Villa Vigoni, on the topic of "Ecosystems and human wellbeing in the green economy" Villa Vigoni, Italy, 25.05-31.05.2014
- Poster: A. Dmowska and T.F. Stepinski, U.S. Race Diversity Dynamics During the 1990-2000 Period at 90m Spatial Resolution. [poster]
[In Polish] Ogólnopolska konferencja naukowa Funkcjonowanie geoekosystemów zlewni rzecznych VI, Luboradza, 24-26.04.2013
- Oral presentation: A. Dmowska (2013). Zastosowanie metod klasyfikacji rozmytych w analizie zróżnicowania przestrzennego właściwości fizykochemicznych wód.
- Poster: A. Kostrzewski, M. Mazurek, A.Stach, Z.Zwoliński, A. Dmowska (2013) Zróżnicowanie właściwości fizykochemicznych wód w zlewni górnej Parsęty w okresie wiosennym 1992-1994 i 2009-2010 .