Annual Meeting of Population Association of America, Austin, TX, US, 10.04-13.04.2019
A.Dmowska, T.F. Stepinski, Mapping Racial Diversity Using Grid-Based Racial Dot Maps and Racial Diversity Maps. [poster-part1] [poster-part2] [paper]
New resources of grid-based racial dot map
Racial dot maps are calculated based on 2010 high resolution demographic grids for each county in the conterminous U.S.
Download data
Download R script for calculation racial dot map from gridded data
European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography (ECTQG 2017), York, UK, 7.09-11.09.2017
A.Dmowska, T.F. Stepinski, Evolution of Racial Diversity in Newly Built American Housing Subdivisions [abstract]
(Session 7A: Demographic, Monday 11th, Sept., 9.00-10.30)
GeoComputation 2017, Leeds, UK, 4.09-7.09.2017
A.Dmowska, T.F. Stepinski, Spatial Approach to Identifying Trends in Racial Composition Changes for Large American Cities, 1990-2000-2010. [paper]
(Session Applications of GeoComputational Methods in the Social Sciences, Monday 4th Sept, 17.10-17.30)
PLOS Early Career Travel Award Program
I am happy to announce I have been selected one of the recipients for the PLOS Early Career Travel Award Program. The list of recipients is here
PLOS Early Career Travel Award is open to researchers currently enrolled in a graduate program to within five years of receiving their graduate degree, who have published with PLOS and whose presentation has been accepted or will be presented at an upcoming conference.
PLOS Early Career Travel Award will cover the cost of my participation in the GeoComputation 2017 conference, where I will be presented my research "Spatial Approach to Identifying Trends in Racial Composition Changes for Large American Cities, 1990-2000-2010" [paper]
US racial diversity maps
Besides UC Magazine they also wrote article about our high resolution racial diversity maps:
- Geographical Magazine: New maps of racial diversity in the United States by Laura Core
- Quartz: An astrophysicist used NASA data to make an insanely detailed map of US racial diversity
- United Press International (UPI): New digital map details shifting demographics in United States by Brooks Hays
- googlemapsmania: The diversity map of the United States
- Dayli Detroit: New Maps Show 20 Years Of Racial Change In Metro Detroit In Sharp Detail By Daily Detroit Staff
SocScape in UC Magazine
As a result of PLoS ONE publication Michael Miller published an article UC map captures diversity of America in UC Magazine.
Video conference with the Oak Ridge National Laboratory
On Friday, May 12th 2017, a video conference was held between the Geographic Information Science and Technology (GIST) Group at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Space Informatics Lab (SIL) at the University of Cincinnati. During the video conference I presented my research project "High resolution multi-year compatible dasymetric models of US demographics with application to spatial distribution of racial diversity."
Annual Meeting of Population Association of America, Chicago, IL, April 26-29 2017
A.Dmowska, T.Stepinski, Mapping Changes of Racial Composition in the United States: 1990–2010 (Session Innovative Methods and Data in Segregation Research, Thursday, April 27, 2017, 9:30AM) [paper]
Paper published in PLoS ONE on March 30 2017
The paper Comprehensive framework for visualizing and analyzing spatio-temporal dynamics of racial diversity in the entire United States, PLoS ONE 12 (3): e0174993 published by A.Dmowska, T.F.Stepinski and P.Netzel describes new, vast open access dataset - high (30 m) resolution grids of population, racial sub-populations, and diversity classes for the entire United States and for three census years, 1990, 2000, and 2010. Data is constructed to be compatible between the years so it can be used for change analysis. It is available at SocScape data webpage.