
Journal papers    |   Chapters   |   Conference papers   |   In Polish

Journal papers


T.F. Stepinski, A.Dmowska (2020) Complexity in patterns of racial segregation. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 140, 110207. paper preprint

A.Dmowska, T.F. Stepinski, J.Nowosad (2020) Racial landscapes–a pattern-based, zoneless method for analysis and visualization of racial topography. Applied Geography 122, 102239. paper preprint raceland (R package)

M.Saeedimoghaddam, T.F. Stepinski, A.Dmowska (2020) Rényi’s spectra of urban form for different modalities of input data. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 139, 109995 paper preprint

T.F. Stepinski and A. Dmowska (2019) Communicating racial segregation: Abstract versus concrete. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (45), 22435-22436 paper

A.Dmowska and T.F. Stepinski (2019) Racial Dot Maps Based on Dasymetrically Modeled Gridded Population Data, Soc. Sci. 8(5), 157  paper (open access) preprint

T.F. Stepinski and A.Dmowska (2019) Imperfect melting pot–Analysis of changes in diversity and segregation of US urban census tracts in the period of 1990–2010, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 76, pp. 101-109 paper, preprint

A.Dmowska (2019) Dasymetric modelling of population distribution – large data approach. Quaestiones Geographicae 38(1), Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Poznań, pp. 15–27. paper

A.Dmowska, T.F.Stepinski, (2018) Spatial approach to analyzing dynamics of racial diversity in large U.S. cities: 1990–2000–2010, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems. 68, pp.89-96 paper

A.Dmowska, T.F.Stepinski, P.Netzel (2017) Comprehensive framework for visualizing and analyzing spatio-temporal dynamics of racial diversity in the entire United States, PLoS ONE 12 (3): e0174993. paper (open access)

A.Dmowska and T.F.Stepinski (2017) A high resolution population grid for the conterminous United States: The 2010 edition. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 61, pp. 13-23. paper, preprint

A.Kostrzewski, A.Dmowska, A.Stach, M.Mazurek, Z.Zwoliński (2016) Spatial variability of physical and chemical properties of river water in the upper Parsęta catchment during rising spring flows. Prace Geograficzne 144, 49–67.paper

A.Dmowska and T.F.Stepinski (2016) Mapping changes in spatial patterns of racial diversity across the entire United States with application to a 1990–2000 period, Applied Geography 68, pp. 1-8 paper. paper, preprint

A.Dmowska and T.F.Stepinski (2014) High resolution dasymetric model of U.S demographics with application to spatial distribution of racial diversity. Applied Geography 53, pp417-426. paper, preprint


A.Dmowska, T.F.Stepinski (2017) High-Resolution population grids for the entire conterminous United States. In: Griffith D., Chun Y., Dean D. (eds.) Advances in Geocomputation. Advances in Geographic Information Science. Springer, Cham, pp. 35–46. paper

Conference papers

A.Dmowska, T.F.Stepinski (2019) Mapping Racial Diversity Using Grid-Based Racial Dot Maps and Racial Diversity Maps, Annual Meeting of Population Association of America, Austin, TX, April 10-13 2019 paper

A.Dmowska, T.F.Stepinski (2017) Mapping Changes of Racial Composition in the United States: 1990–2010, Annual Meeting of Population Association of America, Chicago, IL, April 26-29 2017 paper

A.Dmowska, T.F.Stepinski, P.Netzel (2016) High resolution multi- year compatible dasymetric models of U.S population.  International Conference on GIScience Short Paper Proceedings 1(1): 76-79 paper

A.Dmowska, T.F.Stepinski (2015) High resolution population grids for the entire United States. GeoComputation 2015, Dallas, Texas, May 20-23 2015. paper

A.Dmowska, T.F.Stepinski, P.Netzel (2015) Web application for spatial exploration of racial diversity over the entire United States at 90 m resolution. Population Association of America 2015, San Diego, California, April 30 - May 2 2015. paper

Publications in Polish

A.Stach, A.Dmowska, (2014) Szacowanie charakterystyk hydrologicznych w sieciach rzecznych: przykład zlewni górnej Parsęty. Monografie Komitetu Gospodarki Wodnej PAN 20 (1), 281–291. paper

A.Dmowska (2012) Analiza środowiska geograficznego zlewni górnej Parsęty w oparciu o metody geoinformacyjne. Landform Analysis. Vol. 20: 21-30. paper

A.Dmowska, J.Gudowicz, Z.Zwoliński (2010) Cyfrowe adaptacja analogowych map geomorfologicznych. Landform Analysis, Vol. 12: 35-47. paper

A.Dmowska (2008) Klasyfikacja Pojezierzy Południowobałtyckich i Pojezierzy Wschodniobałtyckich w oparciu o kryterium morfometryczne. Landform Analysis. Vol 8: 345-347. paper